Saturday 27 July 2013

CJS 250 Week 3 Assignment Security Objective Components

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1.    Assignment: Security Objective Components
·       Read the article on p. 109 and review pp. 113–115 of the text.
·       Address the following points in a 700- to 1,050-word response:

o   What component of the overall security objective deserves the most attention in the environments mentioned in the article? What components would be less pertinent for these particular environments during a vulnerability assessment? Why?

o   Relative to the primary component you chose above, what are some countermeasures or possible solutions for the shootings, incidences of arson, and bombing?

o   What components of the overall security objective would be more pertinent had these events occurred at a mall? Would these components present alternative countermeasures or solutions to those you have already listed? Explain your answers.

·       Cite two sources other than the text.
·       Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
·       Post your paper as an attachment.

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